Sunday, 22 June 2008

Something in the way she moves...

On the top of my wish list these days, you'll find Pattie Boyd's autobiography, "Wonderful Today". Although her name alone might not immediately ring a bell for most, you have most definitely heard the many serenades written to her. The Beatles' massive hit "Something", was written by George Harrison to her, and Eric Clapton declared his love in both "Layla" and "Wonderful tonight", the latter being the obvious source of inspiration for the autobiography's title.

I suppose her story to be very interesting, she was married to both Harrison and Clapton, and furthermore, John Lennon and Mick Jagger were also allegedly enamored of her. She was a model originally, but has also gained recognition as a photographer. The queen of the sixties, a muse of the legends, and the reason for which some of the greatest lovesongs of our time were created, this woman demands my attention and esteem, and I am positive her book is captivating!

You can see some of her photographs and order "Wonderful Today" at her website.

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