Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
It seems I too have succumbed to this trend of exhibiting one's personal life to whoever might surf by. Blogging is completely new to me, so I must plead for your patience and mercy in advance. Also, as english is my second language, feel free to correct me when I err.
A word or two about yours truly:
My name is Siri, I am the only daughter of a banker who has all his hair left, and his wife who had every intention of becoming an architect, before her father put a end to it. I currently reside with the two of them, now past their prime, and my harmfully athletic younger brother, in the calm kingdom of norwegian suburbia. I finished school last year, and now I spend my days slaving away in a photo laboratory, where my main task is retouching and choosing portraits of toddlers. If you find me outside the laboratory (and the public transport system required to get me there and back home), chances are it will be at a concert (performing or congregating) , a mall (scraping my account), a bar (plotting a way to receive fee drinks) or in bed (sinning or sound asleep). That will do, I think, as a brief outline. The details will be filled in as we go along...
Du må være flink til å oppdatere Siri! :)
Jada, og det må du og!
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